
Allergen-free cooking

Allergen-free cooking: plenty of opportunities!

A correct allergen declaration is becoming increasingly important as the number of people with allergies or intolerances is growing. You can make a difference by adjusting your offer to this specific consumer group. People with an allergy will often be the main person who pick which restaurant to visit.

Allergen-free cooking takes extra attention, but if you know what to look for it can be quite simple. The internet is packed with inspirational recipes written for people with allergies, by people with allergies.

Be up to date

Are allergens a common subject in your kitchen? Make sure that you correctly identify which dishes contain the 14 major allergens and which ones do not. LABELLORD offers various allergen coding solutions to apply both in storage and to inform your guests. Some examples are the 'gluten-free', 'milk-free' and 'allergen-free' labels.

We also have display cards to put on your buffet table, or individual allergen labels of all 14 major allergens. There are several solutions so that you comply with legislation in a way that suits your conditions.

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The LABELLORD system

LABELLORD labels are easy to remove with two solutions; wash off and water soluble. Both are hygienic, prevent damage and save on labour!


Aqualabel™ with water-soluble adhesive

  • Releases in water
    (removes faster with the addition of alkaline cleaners)
  • Easy to remove
  • Microwave-proof
  • Colour / date coding


Flushlabel™ dissolves completely in water

  • Dissolves in cold water, within 60 seconds
  • Prevents cross contamination

Where can I buy the LabelLord products?

Where to buy